Make sure you stay within the trial period which is about a month. worth a try, always interact with their support they can give you useful advice and if they don't, then you'd have a path to a refund. Support suggested to reinstall WhatsApp in the phone and rerun the process, which I haven't yet done. So even though I have all the data I have limited functionality. it works only for messages I have received after the merge. Second, the 'search messages' function is not working for messages in the original source.
After that I got it to complete, but even though the database has all the data I have two issues: One is that some images in spite of being in the media folder cannot be viewed in the relevant chat, they appear blurred and won't open when clicked on. I had to do some adjustments to the phone to allow for ADB Debug to work fine since Huawei has two modes of debuging, a proprietary and google's ADB so this has to be enabled through a combination of keystrokes on the dialer. I finally got everything working on a Huawei phone. It is not clear if the Android level is relevant.
The phone where you run the process must have enough free space. I used the Android BackupTransfer program.